Penarth Gin 70cl
A Welsh dry gin, crafted by our neighbours Gin 64 from the finest botanicals sourced both locally & from around the world. Distilled using only the purest Welsh water, with the Penarth spirit flowing through its veins.
Chicken Tikka Curry Frozen Meal
Chicken Tikka Massala Medium Spice Curry (400g)
Reheating Instructions:Â
Oven: Preheat oven to 170°c/Gas Mark 5. Remove all packing. Place on oven proof dish before placing in the oven for 30mins or until hot right through.Â
Microwave:Â Pierce the film lid. Cook on full for 6 mins, leave to stand for 1 min. Check your meal is hot right though.
Ingredients: Chicken Thigh, Yoghurt, Butter, Tomatoes, Potatoes, Tikka Paste, Onion, Carrot, Fresh Red Chilli, Ginger, Garlic, Lemon, Turmeric, Curry Powder, Salt, Vegetable Oil
Allergens: Milk, Soya
The Little Welsh Chocolate Co. Milk Chocolate & Salted Caramel 100g
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