Your local shop is nearer than you think

Connect or buy from your local community, online!

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Up to six months free subscription for businesses only. 

Explore Cardiff highstreet market

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How it works


Add your postcode to find local shops

Choose the ‘Shops’ tab, add your postcode in the location bar above, or click on the ‘My location’ icon and click on search to find nearby local shops from the list or the map.

Choose a store, start shopping

Click on the desired local shop you would like to buy from. Check their profile, rating, opening hours and any other information they may have provided, then simply click on shop now and start shopping

Delivery, or pick up

After completing your purchases choose how to receive your order whether by delivery or pick up. The shop will prepare your order and make it ready to collect or dispatch to your chosen address.


Add your postcode, find local service

Add your postcode in the location bar, click on search and find the local service near you.

Choose a service, book an appointment

Choose the local service you want, check their profile, rating, opening hours and any other business information they provided, then simply click on ‘Book an appointment’ to secure your chosen time.

Receive booking confirmation

Once you have completed your appointment booking, an email and/or text message will be sent to you with the appointment details and a reminder will be sent before your appointment.